Be Free Now!

Sound Too Good To Be True?  Not With The Power

Of God’s Spiritual Alchemy!

Alchemy Is The Power To Change One Substance
Into Another, Like Changing Lead Into Gold, But The
Real Alchemy Is Spiritual, And You Can Do It
Right Now, Right Where You Are!

How?  Every Negative Thing You Can See, Either Within
Yourself,  In Others, Or In The World, Can Be Transformed When
You Utter The Word Of God, Speaking His Holy Name
(1) And Invoking His Violet Transmuting Flame
Of Spiritual Energy — 
Right From Within
Your Own Being!

You Can Prove This By Simply Reciting The Sacred Formula   ?
Contained In The Words Herein


1)  ““And God said unto Moses, “I AM THAT I AM:”  And He said “Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.”  …   And God said moreover unto Moses “Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, the Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you:  This is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.”” – Exodus 3:14,15.


Your  Sacred Alchemy

 Transform Your World Everywhere You Are!  Visualize TheViolet Transmuting Flame
The Same Energy That Created The Entire Universe!

 I AM A Being Of Violet Fire
I AM The Purity God Desires

I AM The Violet Flame In Action In Me Now
I AM The Violet Flame To Light Alone I Bow
I AM The Violet Flame In Mighty Cosmic Power
I AM The Light Of God Shining Every Hour
I AM The Violet Flame Blazing Like A Sun
I AM God’s Sacred Power Freeing Everyone

I AM Forgiving All Life This Day Even As
I AM Also All Life Forgiving Me

I AM Delivering All Men From Every Evil Condition

© The Summit Lighthouse

I AM Overcoming This Entire World

 Speak These Invocations To The Light-Energy
Within, That Is God, In Sets Of Three As Required

Now You Have The Power That Overcomes The
Energy Veil (Evil) 
Of This Entire World!

Steven D. Johann

1134 Crane Street, Number 216  •  Menlo Park, CA  94025
(650) 704-8036  •